RoomMate is a psychological thriller that plunges into the dark, twisted mind of Charlet, a wealthy Hollywood producer with a hidden past. As detectives close in on a series of disturbing events, Charlet’s carefully crafted facade begins to crumble, revealing a world of deception, trauma, and danger. With relentless suspense and shocking twists, RoomMate will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final chilling revelation.
Dreaming is where we really live. Waking up is death. And this is hell.
Stevie J is getting up there in age, and things aren’t exactly getting easier. With his signature irreverence, he navigates the aches, the gripes, and the oh-so-awkward realizations that come with getting older.
Stevie J didn’t get the memo on how to be a good father, and he’s not pretending to be perfect. From accidentally losing kids at the park, to heckling their lemonade stand, this book is a hilarious exploration of fatherhood for the guy who’s winging it and totally okay with it.
When Stevie J trades in his city life for the quiet suburbs, he’s in for more than just a white-picket-fence shock. With nosy neighbors and garbage day, Stevie’s attempts to adjust will leave you questioning if he’ll ever fit in—or if he’s just there to stir the pot.
Forget the roses and romantic dinners—Stevie J’s guide to marriage is brutally honest, unapologetically crass, and full of the hard truths no one tells you about living with someone forever. Spoiler: it involves a lot of yelling and eye rolls, but somehow it still works. Maybe.